Sample-Studios and Cork Midsummer Festival Emerging Artist 2024

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Riki Matsuda is a Japanese-Irish artist based in Cork, Ireland. Her work plays with miscommunication and utilizes minimal linework and text to tell a story. Matsuda has built an approachable visual language based on personal limitations and the struggle of adapting to an ever-changing, inconsistent, environment. The work is a recording of these observations and her awareness of the nuance, humor, and heartache found in misunderstanding.

I want my work / to taste like the first pretzel out of a freshly opened bag / look like the unfocused shapes you see while walking at night /
feel like the way my father held a tomato in his hand before eating it / smell like the pillow I sleep on every night / walk like it will reach someone on time / sleep like it’s dreaming of a big green house / stop when it starts rambling.